How to Order Costco Pizza? Good Tips and Guides in 2024


Indulge in Flavorful Delights: A Comprehensive Guide to Order Costco Pizza.

In the culinary world, few pleasures rival the satisfaction of biting into a slice of freshly baked pizza. And when it comes to this beloved dish, Costco has long been a go-to destination for pizza enthusiasts seeking a perfect blend of quality, affordability, and taste.

As we venture into 2023, the art of ordering Costco pizza continues to evolve, offering both long-time patrons and newcomers an array of options and insights to enhance their pizza procurement experience.

In this guide, we delve into the nuances of navigating the Costco pizza ordering process, shedding light on the assortment of delectable choices available, while providing invaluable tips to make the most of this flavorful journey.

Whether you’re a connoisseur of classic combinations or an explorer of unique flavor profiles, our aim is to equip you with the knowledge needed to curate your ideal to order Costco pizza.

Join us as we uncover the steps, strategies, and secrets to assembling a mouthwatering Costco pizza order that caters to your cravings, suits your preferences, and elevates your culinary escapades to a whole new level. From understanding the diverse menu offerings to deciphering the customization possibilities, this guide is your passport to pizza paradise in the year 2023.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a tantalizing exploration of Costco’s pizza offerings and learn how to orchestrate the perfect order, let’s dive in and discover the tips and tricks that will undoubtedly leave your taste buds craving more.

Order Costco Pizza



Costco pizza is a popular food item offered by Costco Wholesale Corporation; a multinational retail chain known for its membership-based warehouse clubs. Costco’s pizza has gained a reputation for its generous size, affordability, and delicious taste, making it a favorite among shoppers looking for a quick and satisfying meal.

Costco offers pizza in two main varieties: cheese and pepperoni. These pizzas are typically sold as whole pizzas rather than by the slice, and they come in a large size, often referred to as “jumbo” or “extra-large.” The exact size can vary slightly depending on the location, but it’s generally much larger than a standard pizza you might find at a typical pizzeria.

The crust of Costco pizza is known for being hand-tossed, providing a balance between thickness and crispiness. The cheese pizza is topped with a blend of mozzarella and parmesan cheeses, while the pepperoni version features the addition of savory pepperoni slices.

One of the reasons Costco pizza has gained such a following is its affordability. Considering the size of the pizza and the quality of the ingredients, the cost per slice is often lower than what you might find at other pizza places.

This value-driven approach has contributed to its popularity, making it a convenient and cost-effective dining option for families, groups, or even individuals looking for a hearty meal.

It’s worth noting that while cheese and pepperoni are the standard options, some Costco locations may also offer additional toppings or seasonal variations from time to time.

Overall, Costco pizza is celebrated for its combination of size, taste, and value, making it a staple choice for many shoppers looking to satisfy their pizza cravings.

You can see How to Order Costco Pizza as below.


Costco primarily offers two main types of pizza: cheese and pepperoni. These are the standard pizza options available at most Costco locations. However, keep in mind that offerings can vary by location and over time, so there might be regional or seasonal variations or limited-time options available at certain stores.

  1. Cheese Pizza: This is a classic option featuring a hand-tossed crust topped with a blend of mozzarella and parmesan cheeses. It’s a simple and timeless choice that appeals to those who enjoy the pure flavors of cheese and crust.
  2. Pepperoni Pizza: Similar to the cheese pizza, the pepperoni pizza features the same hand-tossed crust with the addition of savory pepperoni slices on top of the cheese blend. This option provides a bit more flavor and a touch of spiciness from the pepperoni.

It’s important to check with your local Costco location to confirm the current pizza offerings, as they might have introduced new options or variations since my last update. Additionally, Costco is known for its occasional introduction of limited-time or seasonal pizza flavors, so you might come across special options during certain periods.

To get the most accurate and up-to-date information on the types of Costco pizza available, I recommend reaching out to your local Costco store or checking their official website.

You can refer How to Order Costco Pizza as below.


Costco pizza offers several benefits that contribute to its popularity among customers. Here are some of the key benefits of Costco pizza:

  1. Generous Size: Costco pizzas are known for their large size, often referred to as “jumbo” or “extra-large.” This makes them suitable for sharing among a group of people, making them a cost-effective option for parties, gatherings, or family meals.
  2. Affordability: Costco is renowned for its value-driven pricing, and their pizzas are no exception. Considering the size of the pizza and the quality of the ingredients, the cost per slice is often lower compared to other pizza places, making it an economical choice for individuals and families on a budget.
  3. Quality Ingredients: While being affordable, Costco pizza doesn’t compromise on the quality of its ingredients. The hand-tossed crust, cheese blend, and toppings are made from ingredients that meet the standards for taste and freshness, offering a satisfying pizza experience.
  4. Convenience: Costco’s food court, where the pizzas are typically sold, is designed for quick and convenient dining. This is especially convenient for shoppers who want to grab a meal during or after their shopping trip without the need for a formal sit-down restaurant.
  5. Customization: While the standard cheese and pepperoni options are popular, some Costco locations offer limited customization. This means you might have the ability to request additional toppings or adjustments to your pizza, allowing you to tailor the pizza to your preferences.
  6. Quick Service: Costco’s efficient food court service ensures that you can order, pay, and receive your pizza relatively quickly, which is ideal for those looking for a fast and satisfying meal.
  7. Consistency: Costco has a reputation for delivering consistent quality across its various locations. This means you can expect a similar taste and experience whether you’re enjoying Costco pizza in one state or another.
  8. Family-Friendly: The large size and affordability of Costco pizza make it a great option for families. It’s a meal that can easily feed multiple people without breaking the bank.
  9. Limited-Time Offerings: While the standard cheese and pepperoni pizzas are staples, Costco occasionally introduces limited-time or seasonal pizza flavors. This adds an element of excitement for customers looking to try something new.
  10. Popular and Familiar Choice: Costco pizza has become a recognizable and familiar food item for many people. Its popularity means that customers often know what to expect and are more likely to be satisfied with their choice.

Remember that the benefits of Costco pizza may vary based on individual preferences and dietary needs. It’s always a good idea to check with your local Costco location for the most up-to-date information on available options and any special promotions.

Please see How to Order Costco Pizza as below.


Before order Costco pizza, there are a few factors to consider ensuring that you have an enjoyable and satisfying dining experience. Here’s a list of things to keep in mind:

  1. Pizza Size: Costco pizzas are known for their larger-than-average size. Consider how many people you’ll be sharing the pizza with and whether the size aligns with your group’s appetite.
  2. Craving and Preferences: Think about whether you’re in the mood for a classic cheese pizza or if you prefer the addition of pepperoni or other toppings. Costco’s limited-time offerings might also be worth exploring if they align with your taste preferences.
  3. Customization: While Costco’s standard offerings include cheese and pepperoni pizzas, some locations offer limited customization options. If you have specific topping preferences or dietary restrictions, inquire about the possibility of customizing your order.
  4. Affordability: One of the benefits of Costco pizza is its affordability. However, still consider the cost relative to the number of people you’re feeding. It can be a cost-effective option for groups, but for smaller gatherings, you might want to evaluate whether the size is appropriate.
  5. Wait Time: While Costco’s food court is known for efficient service, there might still be a wait during peak hours. If you’re on a tight schedule, try to plan your visit during less busy times.
  6. Freshness: Costco pizza is made from quality ingredients, but consider whether the pizza will be consumed promptly. Like any pizza, it’s best enjoyed when it’s still warm and fresh.
  7. Side Dishes: Costco food courts often offer additional menu items, such as hot dogs, sandwiches, salads, and beverages. Consider if you want to complement your pizza with any sides.
  8. Dietary Restrictions: If you have dietary restrictions or allergies, make sure to check the ingredient list for any potential allergens. While Costco provides ingredient information, it’s always a good idea to confirm with the staff.
  9. Location-Specific Offerings: Some Costco locations might have specific offerings or variations based on regional preferences. Check with your local Costco to see if they have any unique pizza options.
  10. Meal Plan: If you’re a Costco member and frequently shop there, you might consider incorporating the pizza into your meal planning. It can be a convenient and cost-effective option for a quick meal while you’re already at the store.
  11. Crowd Level: The popularity of Costco’s food court can lead to busy periods, especially on weekends and during lunch hours. Consider visiting during off-peak times to avoid longer lines and wait times.
  12. Takeout vs. Dine-In: Decide whether you want to enjoy your pizza at the food court or take it to go. If you’re taking it home, ensure you have appropriate transportation to keep the pizza intact.

By taking these factors into account, you can make a well-informed decision when order Costco pizza and ensure that your dining experience aligns with your preferences and needs.

Please refer How to Order Costco Pizza as below.


Ordering Costco pizza is a straightforward process, typically done at the Costco food court. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to order Costco pizza:

  1. Visit the Food Court: Head to the food court area of your local Costco warehouse. The food court is usually located near the entrance or in a prominent location within the store.
  2. Check the Menu: Look for the menu board or displays that show the available food items, including the pizza options. The standard options are usually cheese and pepperoni pizzas.
  3. Decide on Pizza Type: Choose the type of pizza you’d like to order. If there are any limited-time or special offerings, they might also be displayed on the menu.
  4. Place Your Order: Approach the counter or kiosk designated for ordering. Let the staff member know your pizza choice (e.g., cheese or pepperoni) and the quantity you’d like to order.
  5. Customization (If Available): If your location offers customization, you can inquire about adding extra toppings or making adjustments to your pizza order. Some locations may have specific customization options available.
  6. Pay for Your Order: The staff will inform you of the total cost for your pizza order. You can pay using various methods, such as cash, debit/credit card, or mobile payment options like Apple Pay or Google Pay.
  7. Collect Your Order Number: After payment, the staff will give you an order number or receipt. This number will be used to identify your order when it’s ready.
  8. Wait for Your Order: Find a seat or stand in the designated waiting area. The staff will typically call out or display the order numbers on a screen when your pizza is ready.
  9. Collect Your Pizza: Once your order number is called, approach the counter to pick up your pizza. The staff will have it boxed and ready for you.
  10. Enjoy Your Pizza: Find a comfortable place to enjoy your delicious Costco pizza! If you’re taking it to go, make sure you have a suitable container or transportation method to keep the pizza intact.
  11. Dispose of Trash: After you’ve finished your meal, dispose of any trash or leftover packaging in the designated waste bins within the food court area.

Remember that some locations might have slightly different procedures or layouts, so don’t hesitate to ask the staff for assistance if you’re unsure about any aspect of the ordering process. Additionally, if you’re ordering during busy times, be prepared for a potential wait, especially during peak hours or weekends.

There are How to Order Costco Pizza as above.


The speed at which you receive your order Costco pizza can vary based on a few factors, including the current crowd level, the efficiency of the specific Costco location, and the time of day. However, Costco’s food court is known for its relatively quick service. Here’s a general idea of the timeline you might expect:

  1. Ordering: Once you place your pizza order and make the payment, the process is usually swift, taking just a few minutes.
  2. Waiting Time: After placing your order, you’ll be given an order number or receipt. You’ll then proceed to the waiting area, where you can expect to wait for your pizza to be prepared. The wait time can vary depending on the current workload at the food court and the number of orders ahead of yours.
  3. Pizza Preparation: Costco pizzas are typically prepared in a matter of minutes. The dough and ingredients are prepped and ready, which helps speed up the cooking process.
  4. Order Call-Out: Once your pizza is ready, the staff will call out your order number or display it on a screen. This indicates that your pizza is ready for pickup.
  5. Pizza Pickup: Approach the counter with your order number, and the staff will hand you your boxed pizza. This step usually takes only a minute or two.

Overall, from the time you place your order to the time you receive your pizza, you can generally expect to wait around 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the factors mentioned earlier. Keep in mind that during busier times, such as lunch hours or weekends, the wait might be a bit longer due to higher customer traffic.

If you’re in a rush, it’s a good idea to consider visiting the food court during off-peak hours when there’s likely to be less customer demand and shorter waiting times. Additionally, being aware of the current crowd level can help you manage your expectations for wait times.


Above is information about How to Order Costco Pizza. Now, let’s see some tips and guides on How to Order Costco Pizza as below.


Order Costco Pizza


Here are some tips to help you make the most of your Costco pizza ordering experience:

  1. Check the Menu: Before approaching the counter, take a moment to check the menu and decide on the type of pizza you want to order. This will make the ordering process smoother and quicker.
  2. Know Your Toppings: If your location offers customization, know what additional toppings you might want to add to your pizza. This will help you make decisions promptly and avoid holding up the line.
  3. Consider Size and Quantity: Think about the size of your group and how hungry everyone is. Costco pizzas are large, so assess whether you need one or more pizzas to feed everyone adequately.
  4. Timing: If you’re visiting during peak hours, be prepared for potential longer wait times. If you’re in a hurry, try to visit during off-peak times to avoid crowds.
  5. Payment: Have your preferred method of payment ready before you approach the counter to speed up the payment process.
  6. Order Number: Keep your order number or receipt in a safe place. You’ll need it to pick up your pizza when it’s ready.
  7. Be Patient: While Costco’s food court is known for quick service, there might still be a short wait during busy times. Stay patient and consider checking out the items available in the food court or exploring the store while you wait.
  8. Family or Group Orders: If you’re ordering for a larger group, you might want to designate one person to place the order while others find seating or take care of other tasks.
  9. Takeout Containers: If you’re taking your pizza to go, consider bringing a larger container or pizza box to transport the pizza if the provided box doesn’t fit.
  10. Check for Specials: Occasionally, Costco may offer promotions or deals on their pizzas. Check for any ongoing specials before placing your order.
  11. Check for Limited-Time Offerings: Inquire about any limited-time or seasonal pizza options that might be available. Trying something new can be a fun way to enhance your dining experience.
  12. Enjoy the Food Court: If you’re planning on enjoying your pizza at the food court, find a comfortable spot to sit, and make sure to take advantage of the condiments and beverages available.

By following these tips, you can streamline the ordering process, minimize wait times, and ensure that your experience with Costco pizza is both enjoyable and satisfying.

We introduce How to Order Costco Pizza as above.


Costco primarily focuses on in-person orders at their food court and does not offer a widespread online ordering system for pizza. However, practices and offerings can change, and Costco’s services may have evolved since then.

If you’re interested in ordering Costco pizza online, I recommend checking the official Costco website or contacting your local Costco location directly to see if they have introduced online ordering for their food court items, including pizza.

Some Costco locations might have implemented online ordering systems for certain products or services, so it’s worth inquiring about the availability of online pizza ordering in your specific area.

If online ordering is not available, you can still enjoy the Costco pizza experience by visiting the food court in person and placing your order directly with the cashier. This process involves choosing your pizza type, paying for your order, receiving an order number, and waiting for your pizza to be prepared before picking it up.

To get the most accurate and up-to-date information about online ordering for Costco pizza, I recommend reaching out to your local Costco store or checking their official website for any announcements or updates related to online food court ordering.

You can see How to Order Costco Pizza as above.


Yes, you can typically check the status of your Costco pizza order by keeping track of your order number. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Order Number: After you place your pizza order and make the payment, the cashier or staff will give you an order number or a receipt. This order number is unique to your order and will be used to identify your pizza when it’s ready.
  2. Waiting Area: Once you have your order number, proceed to the designated waiting area within the food court. This is where customers wait for their orders to be prepared.
  3. Listening for Your Order Number: The food court staff will call out order numbers as pizzas are ready. Pay attention to the order numbers being called. They might also display the order numbers on a screen if the food court has that system in place.
  4. Pick Up Your Pizza: When you hear or see your order number, it’s your cue to approach the counter and pick up your pizza. The staff will have your pizza boxed and ready for you.
  5. Enjoy Your Pizza: Once you’ve received your pizza, find a comfortable spot to enjoy your meal, either in the food court seating area or as you take your pizza to go.

Remember that during busier times, there might be more orders ahead of yours, leading to a slightly longer wait. If you’re unsure about the status of your order or if you’ve been waiting for a while, don’t hesitate to ask the staff for an update.

Additionally, if the food court has a screen displaying order numbers, you can periodically glance at it to see if your number comes up. This can be particularly useful if you need to keep an eye on your order while exploring the store or waiting in a different area.

Overall, using your order number as a reference will help you stay informed about when your Costco pizza is ready for pickup.

You can refer How to Order Costco Pizza as above.


A standard Costco pizza is typically cut into 12 slices. This is the standard slicing practice for most Costco locations, and it applies to both the cheese and pepperoni pizzas. The large size of Costco pizzas, along with the 12 slices, makes them suitable for sharing among a group of people.

However, please note that practices and offerings can vary by location and over time, so it’s a good idea to confirm the number of slices with your specific Costco location if this information is crucial for your plans.

Please see How to Order Costco Pizza as above.


The price range for a whole Costco pizza typically fell within the range of $9.99 to $13.99, depending on the location and any ongoing promotions. This price range applies to both the cheese and pepperoni pizzas, which are the standard options available at most Costco food courts.

Please be aware that prices can vary by region, and there might have been changes or updates since my last knowledge update. Additionally, Costco occasionally offers promotions or deals on their pizzas, so it’s a good idea to check with your local Costco location for the most up-to-date pricing information.

Keep in mind that while the initial price might seem higher compared to other pizza places, the large size and quality of ingredients in a Costco pizza often make it a value-driven option, providing a lower cost per slice when compared to smaller pizzas from traditional pizzerias.

Please refer How to Order Costco Pizza as above.


The calorie content of Costco pizza can vary depending on the size of the slice and the type of pizza (cheese or pepperoni). However, I can provide you with a general estimate of the calorie content for a slice of Costco pizza based on available information:

  • Cheese Pizza Slice: Approximately 600-700 calories per slice.
  • Pepperoni Pizza Slice: Approximately 700-800 calories per slice.

Please note that these calorie estimates are rough averages and can vary based on factors such as the exact ingredients used, portion size, and preparation methods. Additionally, the size of the slices can differ slightly between locations.

If you’re looking for more accurate and up-to-date nutritional information for Costco pizza, I recommend checking with your local Costco store or visiting Costco’s official website. Many retail and food service establishments are increasingly providing detailed nutritional information to help customers make informed choices based on their dietary needs and preferences.

There are How to Order Costco Pizza as above.


The size of Costco pizzas is generally consistent across locations. The size of a standard Costco pizza is considered to be “jumbo” or “extra-large” compared to the typical size of pizzas at other pizzerias. Here are the approximate dimensions for Costco pizza sizes:

  • Cheese and Pepperoni Pizzas: The standard size for a whole Costco pizza is around 18 inches in diameter. This large size allows the pizza to be cut into 12 slices.

Please note that these measurements are approximate and can vary slightly between locations. Also, Costco may introduce limited-time or seasonal variations that could have different sizes or dimensions.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information about Costco pizza sizes, I recommend contacting your local Costco store or visiting their official website. They may provide specific details about the dimensions of their pizzas and any available variations.

We introduce How to Order Costco Pizza as above.


Order Costco pizza is generally a straightforward process, but there are a few common mistakes that people might make. Here’s a list of some potential mistakes to avoid when ordering Costco pizza:

  1. Underestimating Size: Costco pizzas are large and meant for sharing. Ordering too many pizzas or slices without considering the size might lead to excessive leftovers.
  2. Ignoring Wait Times: While Costco’s food court is efficient, there might still be a wait during peak hours. Failing to consider potential wait times could lead to frustration.
  3. Not Checking for Specials: Costco occasionally offers promotions or deals on their pizzas. Neglecting to check for specials could mean missing out on potential savings.
  4. Not Having Payment Ready: If you’re in a rush or during busy times, having your payment method ready before you reach the counter can help expedite the process.
  5. Misplacing Order Number: Losing your order number or receipt could result in confusion when your pizza is ready for pickup. Keep it in a safe place until you receive your order.
  6. Not Customizing When Possible: Some locations offer limited customization options. If you prefer additional toppings or adjustments, not inquiring about customization could lead to a missed opportunity.
  7. Ordering Impulsively: With the enticing aroma and visuals of the food court, it’s easy to over-order or get something you might not truly want. Take a moment to decide on your order.
  8. Not Checking for Allergens: If you have dietary restrictions or allergies, not checking the ingredients for potential allergens could lead to unwanted reactions.
  9. Not Exploring the Food Court: Costco food courts often offer a variety of items beyond pizza. Not exploring other menu options might mean missing out on some delicious choices.
  10. Ignoring Seasonal Offerings: Costco introduces limited-time or seasonal pizza flavors. Overlooking these offerings could mean missing unique taste experiences.
  11. Ordering During Peak Hours: Ordering during lunch hours or weekends when the food court is busiest might result in longer wait times. Opt for off-peak hours for a quicker experience.
  12. Not Verifying Your Order: Before leaving the food court, take a moment to confirm that you received the correct pizza(s), especially if you requested any customization.

By being mindful of these potential mistakes, you can ensure a smoother and more enjoyable experience when ordering and enjoying Costco pizza.

You can see How to Order Costco Pizza as above.


Order Costco Pizza

Here are 8 frequently asked questions about how to order Costco pizza, along with their answers:

  1. Q: How do I order Costco pizza?

A: To order Costco pizza, visit the food court, choose your pizza type (cheese or pepperoni), place your order with the cashier, pay for your order, receive an order number, wait for your order to be prepared, and then collect your pizza when your order number is called.

  1. Q: Can I customize my Costco pizza order?

A: Some Costco locations offer limited customization options, such as adding extra toppings. You can inquire about customization when placing your order. You can refer How to Order Costco Pizza as above.

  1. Q: How long does it take to get my Costco pizza after ordering?

A: The waiting time can vary based on factors like crowd level and the number of orders ahead of yours. Generally, it takes around 10-15 minutes for your pizza to be prepared and ready for pickup.

  1. Q: How many slices are in a Costco pizza?

A: A standard Costco pizza is typically cut into 12 slices, whether it’s a cheese or pepperoni pizza.

  1. Q: How much does a Costco pizza cost?

A: The cost of a whole Costco pizza usually falls within the range of $9.99 to $13.99, depending on the location and any ongoing promotions. Please see How to Order Costco Pizza as above.

  1. Q: Can I order Costco pizza online for pickup?

A: As of my last update, Costco pizza orders are typically placed in person at the food court. Online ordering might not be available at all locations, so it’s best to check with your local Costco.

  1. Q: Can I order specific toppings on my Costco pizza?

A: Some Costco locations offer limited topping customization. You can ask the staff if additional toppings or adjustments are possible when placing your order.

  1. Q: What should I do if I lose my order number?

A: Your order number helps identify your pizza when it’s ready for pickup. If you lose it, you might need to inform the staff and provide them with your name or other identifying information to retrieve your order.

Remember that practices can vary by location, and it’s always a good idea to check with your specific Costco store for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding order Costco pizza.

Please refer How to Order Costco Pizza as above.


In conclusion, order Costco pizza is a convenient and satisfying experience that offers a balance of quality, taste, and affordability. With its large size and delicious offerings, Costco pizza has become a favorite choice for individuals, families, and groups seeking a hearty and flavorful meal.

Navigating the process of ordering Costco pizza involves a few simple steps: selecting your pizza type, placing your order, paying, receiving an order number, waiting for your pizza to be prepared, and finally, collecting your freshly baked pie.

While the wait times might vary, Costco’s efficient food court service ensures that your order is processed relatively quickly, making it a suitable option for a quick meal during your shopping trip or as a convenient dining choice.

Whether you’re a fan of classic cheese pizza or enjoy the flavorful kick of pepperoni, Costco’s offerings cater to a range of tastes. Additionally, exploring limited-time and seasonal pizza variations can add an element of excitement to your culinary journey.

Remember to be mindful of the potential customization options, order sizes, and any ongoing promotions that might enhance your experience. By avoiding common mistakes and being patient during busy times, you can fully enjoy the delightful experience of savoring Costco pizza.

So, whether you’re a long-time patron or a first-time visitor, embrace the joy of indulging in a slice of Costco pizza—a culinary delight that encapsulates convenience, taste, and value all in one delicious package.

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